If you’re a follower of this blog you’re probably wondering why you keep seeing stories in some strange European language. Frankly, it started as a one-off thing for my Dutch friends and colleagues.
Because I’ve been away from home for twenty years, most people had no idea what had happened to me. I literally disappeared off the map when I left the Netherlands with my entire life packed up in two suitcases and a plastic bag.
Yes, people… I am one of those immigrants who came to your country in search of a better life, ready to steal your jobs and marry your women. You better watch out!
Anyway, I wanted to let my fellow-Netherlanders know what I’d been up to since I left my motherland, and that’s why I started writing in Dutch. I had to talk myself into it though, because I wasn’t sure if I still had it in me. Most of my thoughts are in English, I speak English all day long, and ninety percent of what I read and write is in English. I didn’t want to make a fool of myself penning pieces in Denglish.
After my first Dutch article was published, it became clear I had no reason to be worried. Over three hundred people read the story of my exodus and liked it. I didn’t think there were even three hundred voice actors in Holland. Better still, people wanted me to keep on writing, and that’s what I did. So far, there are six chapters and there’s more to come.
Now, here’s the thing. I have no way to ensure that my Dutch stories will only go to my Dutch subscribers. So, if English is your preferred language I hope you will do me a favor. Just ignore the blog posts in Dutch and wait for a new English story on Thursday. If you’re Dutch, you are in luck because you get two articles for the price of one!
With that out of the way I’d like to share some news with you. I am in the process of realigning my business with new and exciting plans that are in part based on what I am physically and mentally able to accomplish. You probably remember that the stroke I had in March of last year has forced me to seriously slow down and rethink my priorities.
My mind would love to continue as if nothing has happened, but my body disagrees. A permanent tremor in one of my vocal folds limits the time I am able to record voice-overs. My voice tires much faster, and no amount of vocal exercises has changed that. Mind you: this does not mean I can’t do any recordings.
As I speak, I am learning to do more with less. Fortunately, my clients and my agents completely understand, so they’re not sending me 600-page novels, or auditions for video games that require dying a thousand agonizing deaths.
Just because my vocal folds are taking a bit of a back seat doesn’t mean I have lost my voice completely. In Holland we say: “Onkruid vergaat niet,” meaning “Weeds don’t die.” I can assure you that I will continue to have a voice in our community.
At VO Atlanta (March 26 – 29, 2020), I’ll be leading a 3-hour workshop called Boosting Your Business with a Blog, and I’ll do a presentation on The Incredible Power of Language.
I am working on a second book, and I will continue to write this blog with a double dose of truthiness and snarcasm. If things go according to plan, 50% of my business is going to be devoted to content creation, 20% to speaking, and 30% to helping others succeed.
Here’s an example of that last category. Some of my Dutch colleagues want to spread their professional wings, and try their luck abroad. These folks need a tour guide who’s been there and done that.
In the coming months I’ll be coaching some of Holland’s top-tier talent and taking them to VO Atlanta. I’d like you to get to know them, and that’s why I’ll be interviewing each one of them for this blog. Stay tuned, these folks will knock your socks off!
All of the above means that I have to have a website that reflects this shift in focus. That’s why I am working with the splendid team at voiceactorwebsites on a complete overhaul of the Nethervoice site. According to Joe Davis who heads voiceactorwebsites, Nethervoice.com is already the number one individual voice-over site on the interweb, and I am going to strengthen that position even more.
Expect a site that truly showcases my writings, featuring a clean, sophisticated design, and a new, simpler way to subscribe. Of course it is going to load super fast and it’s 100% mobile-friendly. Because I’m pretty picky, all of this is going to take a while to accomplish, but it will be worth waiting for!
Thanks for your continued support and patience during this time of transition.
It means the world to me!
Tot de volgende keer.
Till next time!
Paul Strikwerda ©nethervoice
PS Be sweet: Subscribe, Share & Retweet
As Stinger from Top Gun wisely said, “Son, your ego is writing checks your body can’t cash!”
Good to see temperance is guiding you and you are still using your amazing experiences and insight to help others. Thank you.
Thanks, Dave! Helping others learn and grow is one of the most satisfying experiences in life. By doing so, it is me that is learning and growing as well.
Congratulations, Paul! That is WAY cool, as they used to say, back in the day, here in the colonies. You have to be one of those rare individuals when life hands them a lemon, they make lemonade. Can’t wait to see your new look!
When life hands you a lemon, you just go look for a better car 😉 Thank you, Steve. I’m excited about the process and so happy I teamed up with Joe and Karin!
Je bent een inspiratie en een voorbeeld om te volgen!
Dank je wel, Memo. I love your touch and Dutch!
I am sure that whatever direction you go in, you will be great at it, and I look forward to reading about your fellow Dutch colleagues.
I had guessed that those posts were in Dutch, and as an American who’s been living abroad for the past few decades, I do not assume that everything that crosses my path will always be in English. Although I’m glad you’re still writing in English too!
Although for very different reasons, I can relate to having to slow down and not be able to use my voice for too many hours. It is more fragile than it used to be, and these days I need it more for singing.
Wishing you good health and much success!
I am following your vocal adventures closely, not in the least because a.) music was my first love, b.) I’ve lived and worked in Israel several times, and c.) you’re fun to follow! Stay healthy, and keep on singing, Susan soprano!
Calendar says Halloween – and what a treat! Look forward to unwrapping this one as you move forward Paul!
Me too, Mel. Happy Halloween!
Hey Paul, another reason to write! I hope to get to VO Atlanta in 2020 and would love to meet you and some of your Dutch friends. Whilst my spoken Dutch is appalling I did live in Het Nederlands for almost 10 years as an Expat and do have a soft spot for the Low sky
Can’t wait to see you in the South, Ian. Just look for the guy in the yellow clogs!
I am SOOOOOOO taking your blog X-Session!!! Where do I sign up??? 🙂
Cool! Once Gerald is ready with the program, sign up may begin!
Congratulations Paul!
Onward and upward with your plan to expand your place in the “words” business! I can think of no one in VO more capable of producing great content. Written and oral.
Best wishes.
Mike Hanson
Copywriter & Voice Actor
That’s very kind of you to say, Mike!
Wonderful Paul! I wish you all the best with this new chapter in your life!! I was recently in the Netherlands (Amsterdam and Eindhoven/Valkenswaard) an just adore the Dutch way of life. Het beste!
My pleasure, David. Glad you like the Dutch way of life!
Happy to hear you are pushing onward and upward with new exciting things. Always look forward to your posts.
Be well.
That’s so nice to hear, Deidre!
My Friend,
You’re always full of surprises. This time? Not so much.
If anyone could step back, evaluate and make the appropriate re-inventive steps, it’s you.
Onward and upward!
Chuck D
Thanks, Chuck. Thankfully, I don’t have to give up voice-overs entirely. It’s still part of my life but with some restrictions.
I HIGHLY recommend getting coached by Paul. The high quality of his answers to the many, many questions I asked him at the start of my career helped me get to where I am today!
A journey begins by asking the right questions, and you certainly did. I just hope I gave the right answers.
You continue to rock our worlds.
Thank you.
I rock and I roll with the punches!
Your voice will always be strong, whether vocally or in your insightful writings. Keep up the continued great work, Paul. See you soon – probably sooner than you think!
Uncle Roy
Yes, let’s hang!
Hi Paul… great to hear about your new plans and shift in focus. You’re proof that a traumatic experience can bring about positive change.
I think we can all agree that the one thing that hasn’t change with you is… you truly understand how to believe in yourself. All the while still helping others.
Looking forward to your new posts and activities!
Later, friend…. Rick
I was given an opportunity to continue to be on this planet, and I plan on making the most of it!